Плата за обучение 4 000 € за год
Плата за рассмотрение заявления 200 € один раз
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Civil engineering is an unceasingly developing branch of the world economy which offers broad career perspectives. Thanks to the knowledge gained during the studies in the field of Civil Engineering, the graduate will be able to meet the technological, construction, and design challenges posed by the construction of the 21st century.

As a civil engineer, you will be able to design structures and building elements, manufacture, select and use building materials and perform construction works. You will also implement projects in the field of residential, municipal, industrial and transport construction, which are necessary for a dynamically changing reality.

During studies you will have access to modern and well-equipped laboratories, among others: Architectural Design, Virtual Building, and Landscape Design. The laboratories are equipped with computers, graphic tablets, 3D manipulators. As a student of UTA, you will use many professional programs for free.

Структура программы

Scope of studies

Studying the Civil Engineering (first-cycle studies) at UTA, you will gain practical and theoretical knowledge of:

  • execution of building and civil engineering designs that meet all technical and ecological requirements,
  • history of architecture, building theory and practice, ecology and environmental protection and the principles of sustainable development in construction,
  • implementation of buildings with an understanding of the relationship between the people’ needs and buildings and between buildings and their surroundings,
  • physical fundamentals, technical problems, and computer support and the supervision and management of construction processes,
  • design to meet performance requirements for buildings within the limits imposed by cost factors and construction regulations,
  • cooperation with state and local government administration, institutions, organisations, and business entities,
  • understanding the way of thinking of engineers from other sectors and interacting with specialists in geodesy, hydrology, sanitation, electrical installations, and communications, ecology and architecture,
  • economics, management, regulations and procedures for the processing of design concepts in the building and the integration of projects into the entire investment planning process.


  • Energy-saving technologies in civil engineering.
  • Building structures.
  • Railway construction.

Карьерные возможности

Employment perspectives

As a graduate of first-cycle studies in Civil Engineering, you will find work, among others, in:

  • construction companies – as a constructor, supervisor and site manager,
  • offices and design studios – as a constructor,
  • municipal or county offices – as a manager or inspector of the real estate department,
  • self-established construction companies, as a constructor.
Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Срок подачи заявлений
30 сент. 2025 г., 23:59:59
Центральная Европа
Начало обучения
1 окт. 2025 г.
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Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Срок подачи заявлений
30 сент. 2025 г., 23:59:59
Центральная Европа
Начало обучения
1 окт. 2025 г.
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